Monitoring Scroll SDK

Scroll SDK provides a comprehensive monitoring system to ensure the health and performance of the network. This section provides an overview of the monitoring tools and best practices for using them.

scroll-monitor Service

The Scroll Monitor service provides a starting point for adding observability and monitoring to your Scroll SDK deployment. It brings together Grafana, Loki, Prometheus, and AlertManager to provide a comprehensive monitoring solution, or can serve as a template for implementing Scroll SDK into your existing monitoring stack.

Service Dashboards

We’ve build and made available a few Grafana dashboards for Scroll SDK chains. These include views for the following services:

  • bridge-history-api
  • bridge-history-fetcher
  • chain-monitor
  • coordinator-api
  • coordinator-cron
  • gas-oracle
  • l2geth instances (including l2-sequencer, l2-bootnode and l2-rpc)
  • rollup-node

You can access these from the scroll-sdk repo here.

Rollup Node Dashboard

Notifications with Alertmanager

The scroll-monitor services configuration file also supports Slack webhooks for easy integration with your existing Slack workspace.

Example Slack Alert

For a detailed guide on configuring and setting up AlertManager, you can refer to the official documentation.

Scroll Admin System

The Scroll Admin System Dashboard provides a web interface for managing and monitoring proof production in Scroll SDK deployments. It includes features for viewing the status of chunks, batches and bundles, along with all registered provers and assigned tasks.

Admin System Dashboard - Bundle View

Chain Monitor

Chain Monitor can be configured to send Slack notifications if:

  • deposit and withdraw messages from L1 and L2 don’t match
  • asset value on escrow contracts doesn’t match the deposit or withdraw messages
  • WithdrawRoots don’t match

To set this up, set a Webhook URL in the slack_webhook_config section of the chain-monitor config.

Prometheus Metrics

Below are tables of Prometheus metrics for each service in the Scroll SDK:


chain_monitor_request_body_totalThe server received request body size, unit byteCounter
chain_monitor_request_duration_bucketCumulative counters for the observation buckets (the time server took to handle the request.)Counter
chain_monitor_request_duration_countCount of events that have been observed for the histogram metric (the time server took to handle the request.)Counter (Histogram)
chain_monitor_request_duration_sumTotal sum of all observed values for the histogram metric (the time server took to handle the request.)Counter (Histogram)
chain_monitor_request_totalAll the server received request num.Counter
chain_monitor_request_uv_totalAll the server received ip num.Counter
chain_monitor_response_body_totalThe server send response body size, unit byteCounter
chain_monitor_uri_request_totalAll the server received request num with every uri.Counter
contract_controller_block_numberThe block number of controller running.Gauge
contract_controller_running_totalThe total number of controllers running.Counter
cross_chain_check_controller_running_totalThe total number of cross chain controllers running.Counter
gateway_batch_finalized_failed_totalThe total number of gateway batch finalized failed.Counter
messenger_batch_finalized_failed_totalThe total number of messenger batch finalized failed.Counter
slack_alert_cross_chain_eth_event_balance_not_match_totalThe total number of alert cross chain eth event balance not match total.Counter
slack_alert_cross_chain_eth_event_not_match_totalThe total number of alert cross chain eth event not match total.Counter
slack_alert_cross_chain_gateway_event_not_match_totalThe total number of alert cross chain gateway event not match total.Counter
slack_alert_gateway_event_duplicated_totalThe total number of alert gateway event duplicated.Counter
slack_alert_gateway_transfer_not_match_totalThe total number of alert gateway transfer event not match total.Counter
slack_alert_messenger_event_duplicated_totalThe total number of alert messenger event duplicated.Counter
slack_alert_withdraw_root_not_match_totalThe total number of alert withdraw root not match total.Counter


rollup_l2_block_l1_commit_calldata_sizeThe l1 commitBatch calldata size of the l2 blockGauge
rollup_l2_watcher_blocks_fetched_gapThe gap of l2 fetchGauge
rollup_l2_watcher_fetch_running_missing_blocks_heightThe total number of l2 watcher fetch running missing blocks heightGauge
rollup_l2_watcher_fetch_running_missing_blocks_totalThe total number of l2 watcher fetch running missing blocksCounter
rollup_layer2_bundles_finalized_confirmed_failed_totalTotal number of failed confirmations for finalized bundles on layer2.Counter
rollup_layer2_bundles_finalized_confirmed_totalTotal number of finalized bundles confirmed on layer2.Counter
rollup_layer2_chain_monitor_latest_failed_batch_callThe total number of failed call chain_monitor apiCounter
rollup_layer2_chain_monitor_latest_failed_batch_statusThe total number of failed batch status get from chain_monitorCounter
rollup_layer2_gas_price_latest_gas_priceThe latest gas price of rollup relayer l2Gauge
rollup_layer2_gas_price_oracler_totalThe total number of layer2 gas price oracler run totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_committed_batches_confirmed_failed_totalThe total number of layer2 process committed batches confirmed failed totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_committed_batches_confirmed_totalThe total number of layer2 process committed batches confirmed totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_committed_batches_finalized_success_totalThe total number of layer2 process committed batches finalized success totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_committed_batches_finalized_totalThe total number of layer2 process committed batches finalized totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_committed_batches_totalThe total number of layer2 process committed batches run totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_finalized_batches_confirmed_failed_totalThe total number of layer2 process finalized batches confirmed failed totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_finalized_batches_confirmed_totalThe total number of layer2 process finalized batches confirmed totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_pending_batch_err_too_many_pending_blob_txs_totalThe total number of layer2 process pending batch failed on too many pending blob txsCounter
rollup_layer2_process_pending_batch_success_totalThe total number of layer2 process pending success batchCounter
rollup_layer2_process_pending_batch_totalThe total number of layer2 process pending batchCounter
rollup_layer2_relayer_process_pending_bundles_finalized_success_totalTotal number of times the layer2 relayer has successful finalized proven bundle processes.Counter
rollup_layer2_relayer_process_pending_bundles_finalized_totalTotal number of times the layer2 relayer has finalized proven bundle processes.Counter
rollup_layer2_relayer_process_pending_bundles_totalTotal number of times the layer2 relayer has processed pending bundles.Counter
rollup_layer2_update_layer1_gas_oracle_confirmed_failed_totalThe total number of updating layer2 gas oracle confirmed failedCounter
rollup_layer2_update_layer1_gas_oracle_confirmed_totalThe total number of updating layer2 gas oracle confirmedCounter
rollup_propose_batch_chunks_numberThe number of chunks in the batchGauge
rollup_propose_batch_chunks_propose_not_enough_totalTotal number of batch chunk propose not enoughCounter
rollup_propose_batch_circle_totalTotal number of propose batch total.Counter
rollup_propose_batch_due_to_compressed_data_compatibility_breach_totalTotal number of propose batch due to compressed data compatibility breach.Counter
rollup_propose_batch_estimate_blob_size_timeTime taken to estimate blob size for the chunk.Gauge
rollup_propose_batch_estimate_calldata_size_timeTime taken to estimate calldata size for the chunk.Gauge
rollup_propose_batch_estimate_gas_timeTime taken to estimate gas for the chunk.Gauge
rollup_propose_batch_failure_circle_totalTotal number of propose batch total.Counter
rollup_propose_batch_first_block_timeout_reached_totalTotal times of batch’s first block timeout reachedCounter
rollup_propose_batch_total_l1_call_data_sizeThe total l1 call data sizeGauge
rollup_propose_batch_total_l1_commit_blob_sizeThe total l1 commit blob sizeGauge
rollup_propose_batch_total_l1_commit_gasThe total l1 commit gasGauge
rollup_propose_batch_update_info_failure_totalTotal number of propose batch update info failure total.Counter
rollup_propose_batch_update_info_totalTotal number of propose batch update info total.Counter
rollup_propose_bundle_batches_numberThe number of batches in the current bundle.Gauge
rollup_propose_bundle_batches_propose_not_enough_totalTotal number of times there were not enough batches to propose a bundle.Counter
rollup_propose_bundle_circle_totalTotal number of propose bundle attempts.Counter
rollup_propose_bundle_failure_totalTotal number of propose bundle failures.Counter
rollup_propose_bundle_first_block_timeout_reached_totalTotal times the first block in a bundle reached the timeout.Counter
rollup_propose_bundle_update_info_failure_totalTotal number of propose bundle update info failures.Counter
rollup_propose_bundle_update_info_totalTotal number of propose bundle update info attempts.Counter
rollup_propose_chunk_blocks_propose_not_enough_totalTotal number of chunk block propose not enoughCounter
rollup_propose_chunk_chunk_block_numberThe number of blocks in the chunkGauge
rollup_propose_chunk_circle_totalTotal number of propose chunk total.Counter
rollup_propose_chunk_due_to_compressed_data_compatibility_breach_totalTotal number of propose chunk due to compressed data compatibility breach.Counter
rollup_propose_chunk_estimate_blob_size_timeTime taken to estimate blob size for the chunk.Gauge
rollup_propose_chunk_estimate_calldata_size_timeTime taken to estimate calldata size for the chunk.Gauge
rollup_propose_chunk_estimate_gas_timeTime taken to estimate gas for the chunk.Gauge
rollup_propose_chunk_estimate_l1_commit_gasThe chunk estimate l1 commit gasGauge
rollup_propose_chunk_failure_circle_totalTotal number of propose chunk failure total.Counter
rollup_propose_chunk_first_block_timeout_reached_totalTotal times of chunk’s first block timeout reachedCounter
rollup_propose_chunk_max_tx_consumptionThe max tx consumptionGauge
rollup_propose_chunk_total_l1_commit_blob_sizeThe total l1 commit blob sizeGauge
rollup_propose_chunk_total_l1_commit_call_data_sizeThe total l1 commit call data sizeGauge
rollup_propose_chunk_tx_numThe chunk tx numGauge
rollup_propose_chunk_update_info_failure_totalTotal number of propose chunk update info failure total.Counter
rollup_propose_chunk_update_info_totalTotal number of propose chunk update info total.Counter
rollup_sender_blob_gas_fee_capThe blob gas fee cap of current transaction.Gauge
rollup_sender_check_pending_transaction_totalThe total number of check pending transaction.Counter
rollup_sender_gas_fee_capThe gas fee cap of current transaction.Gauge
rollup_sender_gas_limitThe gas limit of current transaction.Gauge
rollup_sender_gas_tip_capThe gas tip cap of current transaction.Gauge
rollup_sender_send_transaction_send_tx_failure_totalThe total number of sending transactions failure for sending tx.Counter
rollup_sender_send_transaction_totalThe total number of sending transactions.Counter


bridge_history_api_cache_hits_totalThe total number of cache hitsCounter
bridge_history_api_cache_misses_totalThe total number of cache missesCounter
bridge_history_api_request_body_totalThe server received request body size, unit byteCounter
bridge_history_api_request_duration_bucketCumulative counters for the observation buckets (the time server took to handle the request.)Counter
bridge_history_api_request_duration_countCount of events that have been observed for the histogram metric (the time server took to handle the request.)Counter (Histogram)
bridge_history_api_request_duration_sumTotal sum of all observed values for the histogram metric (the time server took to handle the request.)Counter (Histogram)
bridge_history_api_request_totalAll the server received request num.Counter
bridge_history_api_request_uv_totalAll the server received ip num.Counter
bridge_history_api_response_body_totalThe server send response body size, unit byteCounter
bridge_history_api_uri_request_totalAll the server received request num with every uri.Counter


L1_fetcher_logic_fetched_totalThe total number of events or failed txs fetched in L1 fetcher logic.Counter
L1_message_fetcher_reorg_totalTotal count of blockchain reorgs encountered by the L1 message fetcher.Counter
L1_message_fetcher_running_totalCurrent count of running L1 message fetcher instances.Counter
L1_message_fetcher_sync_heightLatest blockchain height the L1 message fetcher has synced with.Gauge
L2_fetcher_logic_fetched_totalThe total number of events or failed txs fetched in L2 fetcher logic.Counter
L2_message_fetcher_reorg_totalTotal count of blockchain reorgs encountered by the L2 message fetcher.Counter
L2_message_fetcher_running_totalCurrent count of running L2 message fetcher instances.Counter
L2_message_fetcher_sync_heightLatest blockchain height the L2 message fetcher has synced with.Gauge
event_update_logic_L1_finalize_batch_event_L2_block_update_heightL2 block height of the latest L1 batch event that has been finalized and updated in the message_table.Gauge
event_update_logic_L2_message_nonce_update_heightL2 message nonce height in the latest L1 batch event that has been finalized and updated in the message_table.Gauge


coordinator_submit_proof_failure_totalTotal number of submit proof failure.Counter
coordinator_submit_proof_totalTotal number of submit proof.Counter
coordinator_task_prove_duration_seconds_bucketCumulative counters for the observation buckets (Time spend by prover prove task.)Counter
coordinator_task_prove_duration_seconds_countCount of events that have been observed for the histogram metric (Time spend by prover prove task.)Counter (Histogram)
coordinator_task_prove_duration_seconds_sumTotal sum of all observed values for the histogram metric (Time spend by prover prove task.)Counter (Histogram)
coordinator_validate_failure_submit_have_been_verifierTotal number of submit proof validate failure proof have been verifier.Counter
coordinator_validate_failure_submit_status_not_okTotal number of submit proof validate failure proof status not ok.Counter
coordinator_validate_failure_submit_timeoutTotal number of submit proof validate failure timeout.Counter
coordinator_validate_failure_submit_twice_totalTotal number of submit proof validate failure submit twice.Counter
coordinator_validate_failure_totalTotal number of submit proof validate failure.Counter


coordinator_batch_prover_task_timeout_totalTotal number of batch timeout prover task.Counter
coordinator_batch_timeout_checker_run_totalTotal number of batch timeout checker run.Counter
coordinator_bundle_prover_task_timeout_totalTotal number of bundle timeout prover task.Counter
coordinator_bundle_timeout_checker_run_totalTotal number of bundle timeout checker run.Counter
coordinator_chunk_prover_task_timeout_totalTotal number of chunk timeout prover task.Counter
coordinator_chunk_timeout_checker_run_totalTotal number of chunk timeout checker run.Counter


rollup_l1_watcher_fetch_block_header_processed_block_heightThe current processed block height of l1 watcher fetch block headerGauge
rollup_l1_watcher_fetch_block_header_totalThe total number of l1 watcher fetch block header totalCounter
rollup_layer1_gas_price_oracler_totalThe total number of layer1 gas price oracler run totalCounter
rollup_layer1_latest_base_feeThe latest base fee of l1 rollup relayerGauge
rollup_layer1_latest_blob_base_feeThe latest blob base fee of l1 rollup relayerGauge
rollup_layer1_update_gas_oracle_confirmed_failed_totalThe total number of updating layer1 gas oracle confirmed failedCounter
rollup_layer1_update_gas_oracle_confirmed_totalThe total number of updating layer1 gas oracle confirmedCounter
rollup_layer2_bundles_finalized_confirmed_failed_totalTotal number of failed confirmations for finalized bundles on layer2.Counter
rollup_layer2_bundles_finalized_confirmed_totalTotal number of finalized bundles confirmed on layer2.Counter
rollup_layer2_chain_monitor_latest_failed_batch_callThe total number of failed call chain_monitor apiCounter
rollup_layer2_chain_monitor_latest_failed_batch_statusThe total number of failed batch status get from chain_monitorCounter
rollup_layer2_gas_price_latest_gas_priceThe latest gas price of rollup relayer l2Gauge
rollup_layer2_gas_price_oracler_totalThe total number of layer2 gas price oracler run totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_committed_batches_confirmed_failed_totalThe total number of layer2 process committed batches confirmed failed totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_committed_batches_confirmed_totalThe total number of layer2 process committed batches confirmed totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_committed_batches_finalized_success_totalThe total number of layer2 process committed batches finalized success totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_committed_batches_finalized_totalThe total number of layer2 process committed batches finalized totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_committed_batches_totalThe total number of layer2 process committed batches run totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_finalized_batches_confirmed_failed_totalThe total number of layer2 process finalized batches confirmed failed totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_finalized_batches_confirmed_totalThe total number of layer2 process finalized batches confirmed totalCounter
rollup_layer2_process_pending_batch_err_too_many_pending_blob_txs_totalThe total number of layer2 process pending batch failed on too many pending blob txsCounter
rollup_layer2_process_pending_batch_success_totalThe total number of layer2 process pending success batchCounter
rollup_layer2_process_pending_batch_totalThe total number of layer2 process pending batchCounter
rollup_layer2_relayer_process_pending_bundles_finalized_success_totalTotal number of times the layer2 relayer has successful finalized proven bundle processes.Counter
rollup_layer2_relayer_process_pending_bundles_finalized_totalTotal number of times the layer2 relayer has finalized proven bundle processes.Counter
rollup_layer2_relayer_process_pending_bundles_totalTotal number of times the layer2 relayer has processed pending bundles.Counter
rollup_layer2_update_layer1_gas_oracle_confirmed_failed_totalThe total number of updating layer2 gas oracle confirmed failedCounter
rollup_layer2_update_layer1_gas_oracle_confirmed_totalThe total number of updating layer2 gas oracle confirmedCounter
rollup_sender_check_pending_transaction_totalThe total number of check pending transaction.Counter
rollup_sender_gas_fee_capThe gas fee cap of current transaction.Gauge
rollup_sender_gas_limitThe gas limit of current transaction.Gauge
rollup_sender_gas_tip_capThe gas tip cap of current transaction.Gauge
rollup_sender_send_transaction_get_fee_failure_totalThe total number of sending transactions failure for getting fee.Counter
rollup_sender_send_transaction_totalThe total number of sending transactions.Counter


L2Geth has an extensive list of metrics. Below are tables grouped by metric name prefixes, highlighting important metrics and those not inherited from geth. For a complete list, please refer to the Prometheus metrics explorer.


eth_db_chaindata_disk_sizeSize of the chaindata on diskGauge
eth_db_chaindata_ancient_sizeSize of the ancient chaindata on diskGauge


miner_commit_gasGas used in the last commitGauge
miner_ccc_stall_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
miner_collect_l1_msgs_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
miner_collect_l2_txns_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
miner_commit_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
miner_idle_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
miner_prepare_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter


p2p_peersNumber of connected peersGauge


txpool_pendingNumber of pending transactions in the poolGauge
txpool_queuedNumber of queued transactions in the poolGauge


ccc_async_check_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
ccc_encode_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter


chain_account_commits_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_account_hashes_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_account_reads_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_account_updates_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_execution_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_head_blockCurrent head block numberGauge
chain_head_headerCurrent head header numberGauge
chain_head_receiptCurrent head receipt numberGauge
chain_head_timegapTime gap between current time and the head block timestampGauge
chain_inserts_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_prefetch_executes_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_snapshot_account_reads_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_snapshot_commits_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_snapshot_storage_reads_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_storage_commits_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_storage_hashes_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_storage_reads_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_storage_updates_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_validation_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
chain_write_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter


rawdb_l1_message_iterator_next_time_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter


rollup_tracing_feed_tx_to_tracer_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
rollup_tracing_fill_block_trace_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
rollup_tracing_get_tx_result_apply_message_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
rollup_tracing_get_tx_result_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
rollup_tracing_get_tx_result_tracer_result_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
rollup_tracing_get_tx_result_zk_trie_build_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter


validator_async_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter
validator_l1msg_countCount of events that have been observed for the base metricCounter

Note: This is not an exhaustive list. There are many more metrics available for eth_downloader, eth_fetcher, les_client, les_server, miner, p2p, processor, rpc, state, system, trie, txpool, and other components.

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