通过自定义 Gateway 跨链 ERC20
本指南将介绍如何通过自定义 Gateway 将 Scroll 的跨链桥用于需要自定义功能的 ERC20。
第 1 步: 在 Sepolia 上发布一个代币
首先,我们需要一个代币来桥接。无需特定的 ERC20 实现即可使代币与 L2 兼容。如果您已有代币,请随时跳过此步骤。如果要部署新代币,请使用以下简单的 ERC20 代币合约,该代币合约在启动时向部署者铸造 100 万个代币。
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.16;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
contract L1Token is ERC20 { constructor() ERC20("My Token L1", "MTL1") { _mint(msg.sender, 1_000_000 ether); }}
第 2 步: 在 Scroll Sepolia 测试网发布对应代币合约
接下来,您将在 Scroll 上发布此代币的对合约,该代币将代表 Sepolia 上的原始代币。此代币可以实现自定义逻辑以匹配 L1 代币的逻辑,甚至可以添加 L1 代币之外的其他功能。
- 代币必须实现“IScrollStandardERC20”接口才能与跨链桥兼容。
- 合约应有
方法,可以提供 gateway 合约地址和对应的代币地址(我们刚刚发布的 L1 代币)。它还应该允许 L2 gateway在存入和提取代币事调用代币的mint()
以下是与跨链桥兼容的代币的完整示例。对于构造函数,您将传递 Scroll 官方自定义 Gateway 地址 ( 0x058dec71E53079F9ED053F3a0bBca877F6f3eAcf ) 和在 Sepolia 上发布的代币地址。
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.16;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";import "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/libraries/token/IScrollERC20Extension.sol";
contract L2Token is ERC20, IScrollERC20Extension { // We store the gateway and the L1 token address to provide the gateway() and counterpart() functions which are needed from the Scroll Standard ERC20 interface address _gateway; address _counterpart;
// In the constructor we pass as parameter the Custom L2 Gateway and the L1 token address as parameters constructor(address gateway_, address counterpart_) ERC20("My Token L2", "MTL2") { _gateway = gateway_; _counterpart = counterpart_; }
function gateway() public view returns (address) { return _gateway; }
function counterpart() external view returns (address) { return _counterpart; }
// We allow minting only to the Gateway so it can mint new tokens when bridged from L1 function transferAndCall(address receiver, uint256 amount, bytes calldata data) external returns (bool success) { transfer(receiver, amount); data; return true; }
// We allow minting only to the Gateway so it can mint new tokens when bridged from L1 function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) external onlyGateway { _mint(_to, _amount); }
// Similarly to minting, the Gateway is able to burn tokens when bridged from L2 to L1 function burn(address _from, uint256 _amount) external onlyGateway { _burn(_from, _amount); }
modifier onlyGateway() { require(gateway() == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the gateway"); _; }}
第 3 步:将代币添加到 Scroll 跨链桥
您需要联系Scroll团队,将代币添加到 Sroll 上的 L2CustomERC20Gateway
合约和 L1 上的 L1CustomERC20Gateway
合约。此外,请按照代币列表 仓库内的说明将您的代币添加到 Scroll 官方跨链桥前端.
第 4 步: 存储代币
一旦您的代币获得Scroll团队的批准,您应该能够从L1存入代币。为此,您必须首先批准 Sepolia 上的 L1CustomGateway
合约地址 ( 0x31C994F2017E71b82fd4D8118F140c81215bbb37
)。然后,通过从 L1CustomGateway
合约调用 depositERC20
方法来存入代币。这可以使用我们的跨链桥UI,Etherscan Sepolia或智能合约来完成。
Step 5: 提取代币
您将按照类似的步骤将代币从 L2 发送回 L1。首先,批准 L2CustomGateway
地址 ( 0x058dec71E53079F9ED053F3a0bBca877F6f3eAcf
),然后从 L2CustomGateway
合约中调用 withdrawERC20
替代方案: 发布并设置自定义的 L1 Gateway 合约
将您的代币添加到Scroll官方跨链桥(如上所述)是将代币与 Scroll 桥接的推荐方法。这种方法将使它们更容易被发现,对持有者来说更安全。但是,这需要Scroll团队的批准。如果您想在没有官方批准流程的情况下发布自定义代币,您可以自己发布自定义 Gateway合约。为此,您需要在 L1 上部署 L1CustomERC20Gateway
合约,在 L2 上部署 L2CustomERC20Gateway
发布 L1 自定义 Gateway 合约
让我们从在 Sepolia 上发布以下合约开始。
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Although it's possible to use other Solidity versions, we recommend using version 0.8.16 because that's where our contracts were auditedpragma solidity =0.8.16;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import { IL2ERC20Gateway } from "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/L2/gateways/IL2ERC20Gateway.sol";import { IL1ScrollMessenger } from "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/L1/IL1ScrollMessenger.sol";import { IL1ERC20Gateway } from "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/L1/gateways/IL1ERC20Gateway.sol";
import { ScrollGatewayBase } from "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/libraries/gateway/ScrollGatewayBase.sol";import { L1ERC20Gateway } from "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/L1/gateways/L1ERC20Gateway.sol";
// This contract will be used to send and receive tokens from L2contract L1CustomERC20Gateway is L1ERC20Gateway, Ownable { // Tokens must be mapped to "bind" them to a token that represents the original token on the original. This event will be emitted when the token mapping for ERC20 token is updated. event UpdateTokenMapping(address indexed l1Token, address indexed oldL2Token, address indexed newL2Token);
mapping(address => address) public tokenMapping;
constructor() {}
// This function must be called once after both the L1 and L2 contract was deployed function initialize(address _counterpart, address _router, address _messenger) external { require(_router != address(0), "zero router address");
ScrollGatewayBase._initialize(_counterpart, _router, _messenger); }
/// This function returns the address of the token on L2 function getL2ERC20Address(address _l1Token) public view override returns (address) { return tokenMapping[_l1Token]; }
// Updates the token mapping that "binds" a token with another one on the other chain function updateTokenMapping(address _l1Token, address _l2Token) external onlyOwner { require(_l2Token != address(0), "token address cannot be 0");
address _oldL2Token = tokenMapping[_l1Token]; tokenMapping[_l1Token] = _l2Token;
emit UpdateTokenMapping(_l1Token, _oldL2Token, _l2Token); }
// Callback called before a token is withdrawn on L1 function _beforeFinalizeWithdrawERC20( address _l1Token, address _l2Token, address, address, uint256, bytes calldata ) internal virtual override { require(msg.value == 0, "nonzero msg.value"); require(_l2Token != address(0), "token address cannot be 0"); require(_l2Token == tokenMapping[_l1Token], "l2 token mismatch"); }
// Token bridged can be "canceled" or dropped. This callback is called before that happens. function _beforeDropMessage(address, address, uint256) internal virtual override { require(msg.value == 0, "nonzero msg.value"); }
// Internal function holding the deposit logic function _deposit( address _token, address _to, uint256 _amount, bytes memory _data, uint256 _gasLimit ) internal virtual override nonReentrant { address _l2Token = tokenMapping[_token]; require(_l2Token != address(0), "no corresponding l2 token");
// 1. Transfer token into this contract. address _from; (_from, _amount, _data) = _transferERC20In(_token, _amount, _data);
// 2. Generate message passed to L2CustomERC20Gateway. bytes memory _message = abi.encodeCall( IL2ERC20Gateway.finalizeDepositERC20, (_token, _l2Token, _from, _to, _amount, _data) );
// 3. Send message to L1ScrollMessenger. IL1ScrollMessenger(messenger).sendMessage{ value: msg.value }(counterpart, 0, _message, _gasLimit, _from);
emit DepositERC20(_token, _l2Token, _from, _to, _amount, _data); }}
发布 L2 自定义 Gateway 合约
现在让我们在 Scroll 上发布对应合约。
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.16;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/L2/gateways/L2ERC20Gateway.sol";import { IL2ScrollMessenger } from "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/L2/IL2ScrollMessenger.sol";import { IL1ERC20Gateway } from "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/L1/gateways/IL1ERC20Gateway.sol";import { ScrollGatewayBase } from "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/libraries/gateway/ScrollGatewayBase.sol";import "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/libraries/token/IScrollERC20Extension.sol";
import { IL2ERC20Gateway } from "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/L2/gateways/IL2ERC20Gateway.sol";
// This contract will be used to send and receive tokens from L1contract L2CustomERC20Gateway is L2ERC20Gateway, ScrollGatewayBase, Ownable { event UpdateTokenMapping(address indexed l2Token, address indexed oldL1Token, address indexed newL1Token);
// solhint-disable-next-line var-name-mixedcase mapping(address => address) public tokenMapping;
constructor() {}
// Like with the L1 version of the Gateway, this must be called once after both the L1 and L2 gateways are deployed function initialize(address _counterpart, address _router, address _messenger) external { require(_router != address(0), "zero router address");
ScrollGatewayBase._initialize(_counterpart, _router, _messenger); }
/// Returns the address of the token representing the token on L2 function getL1ERC20Address(address _l2Token) external view override returns (address) { return tokenMapping[_l2Token]; }
// This returns the L2 token address function getL2ERC20Address(address) public pure override returns (address) { revert("unimplemented"); }
// This function finalizes the token deposit on L2 when the deposit was not finalized due to not enough gas sent from L1 function finalizeDepositERC20( address _l1Token, address _l2Token, address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount, bytes calldata _data ) external payable override onlyCallByCounterpart nonReentrant { require(msg.value == 0, "nonzero msg.value"); require(_l1Token != address(0), "token address cannot be 0"); require(_l1Token == tokenMapping[_l2Token], "l1 token mismatch");
IScrollERC20Extension(_l2Token).mint(_to, _amount);
_doCallback(_to, _data);
emit FinalizeDepositERC20(_l1Token, _l2Token, _from, _to, _amount, _data); }
// Same as in the L1 version of this contract, this function "binds" a token with a token on the other chain function updateTokenMapping(address _l2Token, address _l1Token) external onlyOwner { require(_l1Token != address(0), "token address cannot be 0");
address _oldL1Token = tokenMapping[_l2Token]; tokenMapping[_l2Token] = _l1Token;
emit UpdateTokenMapping(_l2Token, _oldL1Token, _l1Token); }
// Internal function holding the withdraw logic function _withdraw( address _token, address _to, uint256 _amount, bytes memory _data, uint256 _gasLimit ) internal virtual override nonReentrant { address _l1Token = tokenMapping[_token]; require(_l1Token != address(0), "no corresponding l1 token");
require(_amount > 0, "withdraw zero amount");
// 1. Extract real sender if this call is from L2GatewayRouter. address _from = msg.sender; if (router == msg.sender) { (_from, _data) = abi.decode(_data, (address, bytes)); }
// 2. Burn token. IScrollERC20Extension(_token).burn(_from, _amount);
// 3. Generate message passed to L1StandardERC20Gateway. bytes memory _message = abi.encodeCall( IL1ERC20Gateway.finalizeWithdrawERC20, (_l1Token, _token, _from, _to, _amount, _data) );
// 4. send message to L2ScrollMessenger IL2ScrollMessenger(messenger).sendMessage{ value: msg.value }(counterpart, 0, _message, _gasLimit);
emit WithdrawERC20(_l1Token, _token, _from, _to, _amount, _data); }}
在 Sepolia 上设置 Gateway 合约
部署合约后,调用以下函数初始化合约,并将其绑定到相应的代币和跨链桥另一端的 gateway 合约。
首先,使用以下参数调用 MyL1Gateway
合约上的 initialize
: 我们刚刚在Scroll上发布的MyL2Gateway
: 将其设置为0x13FBE0D0e5552b8c9c4AE9e2435F38f37355998a
,Sepolia 上的L1GatewayRouter
: 将其设置为0x50c7d3e7f7c656493D1D76aaa1a836CedfCBB16A
,Sepolia 上的L1ScrollMessenger
自定义gateway可以托管多个代币跨链桥。在这种情况下,我们只允许通过使用以下参数调用 MyL1Gateway
合约上的 updateTokenMapping
方案来桥接 L1Token 和 L2Token:
: 我们之前在 Sepolia上 发布的L1Token
: 我们之前在 Scroll 上推出的L2Token
在 Scroll 上设置 Gateway 合约
现在让我们切换到Scroll链,按照类似的步骤初始化 MyL2Gateway
首先,调用 MyL2Gateway
合约的 initialize
方法 :
: 我们刚刚在Sepolia上发布的MyL1Gateway
: 将其设置为0x9aD3c5617eCAa556d6E166787A97081907171230
,Scroll 上的L2GatewayRouter
: 将其设置为0xBa50f5340FB9F3Bd074bD638c9BE13eCB36E603d
,Scroll 上的L2ScrollMessenger
接下来,调用 MyL2Gateway
合约的 updateTokenMapping
: 我们之前在 Scroll 上发布的L2Token
: 我们之前在 Sepolia上 发布的L1Token
我们现在可以调用 MyL1Gateway
合约的 depositERC20
合约的 withdrawERC20