Scroll Sepolia User Guide

Thank you for testing the Scroll Sepolia Testnet. If you have questions or want to give feedback, join our Discord!

The Sepolia Testnet consists of Ethereum’s Sepolia Testnet and the Scroll Sepolia test network. Sepolia is an Ethereum test network, while Scroll Sepolia is a zero knowledge rollup testnet deployed on top of the former. There are some pre-deployed demo applications: a bridge between Sepolia and Scroll Sepolia,1 a block explorer for Scroll Sepolia, and a rollup explorer.

To view L1 transactions, check out Etherscan’s Sepolia explorer. To view L2 transactions, you can use Scrollscan, or you may also want to try out the additional functionality provided by Dora or L2Scan.

Here is the suggested workflow to explore the Testnet:

  1. Add the Sepolia Testnet configurations to your wallet.
  2. Request test tokens in the Sepolia network from any Ethereum Faucet app. (see Faucet article)
  3. Transfer test tokens from Sepolia to Scroll Sepolia through the Bridge app.
  4. Transfer tokens to other wallets on Scroll Sepolia using your wallet.
  5. Explore our ecosystem, interacting with contracts like Uniswap or Aave.
  6. Withdraw tokens from Scroll Sepolia to Sepolia through the Bridge app.

You can find the instructions for each app in the rest of this user guide.

Questions & Feedback

If you encounter any issues, join our Discord and talk to us in the #general-support channel. We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve your experience, too.


  1. Forked from the Hop Exchange UI 🐇🙌

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